Coding Conventions

There are a few coding conventions in place to keep the project maintainable.

  • This project uses 1tbs, with the exception that single line if statements do not need brackets.
  • All instanced objects should have getters and setters using Project Lombok (where reasonable)
  • All object instances, methods and fields must be documented for getting sure what does things are doing.
  • Documented notes (backslashes // or slashed stars /* */) is optional into inside methods for getting sure what does things are doing.
  • If some parts of code is unofficial and they are using non-documented part of Twitch API, mark them using @Unofficial("<link to source>") annotation adding inside the source
  • Documenting object instances (classes, interfaces, enums) must have a same format below:
 * {Your short description}
 * <p>
 * {Your longest description}
 * @author {Full name or Username} [{Github link or e-mail address}]
 * @version %I%, %G%
 * @since {next minor version (eg. 0.11.0)}
public class Example {}